



As of 15 June vacation on Mallorca: Condor is part of the pilot project for holidays on the Balearic Islands

Frankfurt am Main, June 12, 2020 - Condor guests will be starting their holidays on Mallorca as early as June 15, 2020 without any quarantine requirements: all Condor flights are part of the pilot project for the Balearic Islands. Guests who stay on the island for at least five nights are exempt from quarantine on arrival and can spend their holidays on Mallorca in accordance with the applicable distance and hygiene rules. From 1 July 2020, Spain will then fully open its borders to Germans.

In the pilot project period up to 28 June 2020, Condor will set off on a total of ten flights to the Germans' favourite island and will head for Mallorca from Frankfurt, Düsseldorf and Hamburg. Just in time for the summer holidays in the respective federal states, Condor will be flying to Mallorca several times a week from seven departure airports, some of them several times a day.

Condor flight schedule to Mallorca as of summer holidays 2020

Frankfurt: twice daily
Düsseldorf: twice a day
Hamburg: daily
Munich: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Leipzig: daily
Hanover: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Stuttgart: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Protective measures during the flight

As part of a package of measures introduced by the German air transport industry, airlines and airports are implementing a wide range of preventive protective measures for the entire air journey, from entering the terminal to the arrival at the destination: On board all Condor flights, too, mouth-and-nose protection is mandatory for guests and cabin crew until 31 August 2020. Likewise, all guests must provide their contact details, similar to those in restaurants. The air quality on board corresponds to that in operating theatres in a German hospital due to the direction of air flow and the filters installed. In addition to the service, the boarding and deboarding processes have also been adapted to the special situation, so that in future smaller groups will board and the number of buses to the aircraft will either be increased or, where possible, boarding at the building will be made possible. Customers are also asked to use online check-in. This will ensure that our customers have the highest level of protection during their journey. Guests are asked to behave prudently and in accordance with the hygiene regulations throughout their journey and to take into account the entry requirements of the respective destination and the regulations on their return to Germany.

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